The Little Prince

Der Kleine Prinz

Le Petit Prince

Dher luzzilfuristo


Old High German – Althochdeutsch – Vieux haut-allemand

Alamannisca zungûn

Title: Dher luzzilfuristo
Publisher: Edition Tintenfass
Place: Neckarsteinach, Germany
Year: 2009
Translator: Regine Froschauer
ISBN No.: 978-3-937467-63-4

Remarks: This book can be found directly at Verlag Tintenfass in Germany.

Ah za sêro, mîn luzzilfuristo, sâr aftar sâr farstuant ih dhîn chleinaz ioh suuâra­muatîkaz lîb. Langa huuîla dhû ni hapêtôs uuiht, dhih za pispreitenne, dhanne dhea liupsamî dhero sunnûnsedhalo. Dhaz arfuar ih in morgane dhes fiorden takes, dhâr dhû mir chuuâti: Ih minnon dhea sunnûnsedhala filu harto.

This translation represents the extinct variety of early Alemannic Old High Ger­man, spoken at the end of the 8th and the beginning of the 9th century.

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