Title: | 客家話小王子 (Sèu vong zìi) |
Publisher: | SMC Publishing | |
Place: | Taipei, Taiwan | |
Year: | 2000 | |
Translator: | Xu Jhaocyuan (徐兆泉) | |
ISBN No.: | 957-638-552-0 |
Remarks: This book serves as educational edition for Hakka readers |
喔!小王子啊!漸漸仔瞭解你在過个小生命个秘密哩……有一長站仔个時間,你唯一个娛樂就係看日頭落山。這係佇第四日个朝晨頭,聽著這詳細个情形。該時節你講:盡愛夕陽。 Ò! Sèu vong zìi a! Ngai ciam ciam è liàu giè ngi cói go ge sèu sén miang ge bi met lè ... Yiú yit cong cam è ge sii gién, ngi vi yit ge ngu lok ciu he kon ngit teu lok sán. Yà he du ti si ngit ge zéu siin teu, ngai táng dò yà siong se ge cin hin. Ge sii ziet ngi gòng : Ngai cin oi sit yong. |
Hakka is one of the main Chinese variants, spoken on the island of Taiwan and in the southern part of mainland China. |
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