Title: | Bidzig Pirens | |
Publisher: | Aras Yayıncılık | |
Place: | Istanbul, Turkey | |
Year: | 2016 | |
Translator: | Mahir Özkan | |
ISBN No.: | 978-605-5753-66-5 |
Remarks: Mahir Özkan was born in 1978 in the village of Çoliked/Akdere, Hopa province. A short CV of the can be found at www.arasyayincilik.com/tr/yazarlar/mahir-ozkan/111 (in Turkish). |
Ağkad, im Bidzig Pirens! Aysmanov, gamats gamats ku dardov like abruşed sorvetsa. Ergen oxt me arakagin maruşin anuşutine enger ağadzer kezi. An al çorsin ore sorvetsa. İnç astadzunedi indzi an hakvana? Arakagin maruşe şad haz genim. |
More information on the Hamshen (Homshetsi) language on Wikipedia. |
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