Title: | U Principinu | |
Publisher: | Papiros | |
Place: | Nùgoro, Sardinia/Sardegna, Italy | |
Year: | 2017 | |
Translator: | Gian Carlo Tusceri | |
ISBN No.: | 978-88-98035-31-1 |
Remarks: Thanks to Antonio. You may compare this edition with translations in Gallurese and Corsican. |
Ah! Principinu, agghju capitu, a poc' a pocu, cussì, a to piccula vita malanchita. Tu nun gh'aìi aùtu pe' monda antra distrazioni du tramontu du soli. Agghju capitu quist'antru particulari u quartu jornu, di mattina, quandu m'hai dittu: Mi piaci troppu u tramontu du soli. |
Isulanu is a distinct variant of the Gallurese Corsican, spoken on the archipelago of La Maddalena in the very northeast of Sardinia, Italy. See Wikipedia for further details. |
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