The Little Prince

Der Kleine Prinz

Le Petit Prince

Omuluzi Murho

Democratic Repubblic of Congo

Mashi (Shi) – Mashi – Mashi

(Bukavu, South Kivu province - Bukavu, Süd-Kivu - Bukavu, Sud-Kivu)
Shi, Mashi

Title: Omuluzi Murho
Le Petit Prince
Publisher: Romain Minga, Kinshasa
at Pallotti Presse, Kigali
Place: Kigali, Rwanda
Year: without year (2017)
Translator: Jean Migabo Bagula, Bukavu
ISBN No.: 979-10-94501-05-4

Remarks: Beautiful bilingual edition in Mashi and French. Merci mille fois à la Fondation pour le Petit Prince de Jean-Marc pour cette initiative !

Yaaa ! we muluzi murho, nayishiriyumva bunyi bunyi akalamo kawe k'oburhè. Nta bindi wàgwerhe by'okukurhamûla olurhali lubohôlolo lw'ebijingo amango izûba likola lyazika. Nàmanyire okwo olusiku lwa kani sêzi, erhi ombwira erhi : Nsîma bwenene ecilemba-baja amango izûba likola lyazika.

The name of the language as spoken in South Kivu is mostly referred to as "Shi" language and must not be mixed up with the (related) Mashi language of Angola and Zambia. It is spoken in the traditional 'Bashi' region around Bukavu in the region of the Great Lakes, DR Congo. See more on Wikipedia (in French).

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