Title: | Ël Pchi Prinsë | |
Publisher: | Éditions Wesak Hardcover edition in book wrapper |
Place: | Gressan, Vallée d'Aoste, Italy | |
Year: | 2001 | |
Translator: | Giovanna Jayme | |
ISBN No.: | 88-87719-01-2 |
Remarks: There are four Occitan versions of the Little Prince, two of them published in France. This one represents the alpine form of the language, mainly based in a few villages of the Piedmont region in the northwestern part of Italy (area of the Turin 2006 Winter Olympics). The book was published with the financial assistance of the Community of Oulx. |
Ah! pchi prinsë, ei coumprei, poou për có, cm' i l'érë ità trichtë votë vittë. Ou l'aviâ aougú lounton, cmë distrasioun, mac ëd beicâ la coujà dou sourëlhë. A l'ei aprei icontchí, ël catriémë joû, ëd matin, can-t-ou m'avé dí: La m' plai spacan veir ël sourëlhë quë s' coujë. |
Title: | Ël Pchi Prinsë | |
Publisher: | Éditions Wesak Paperback edition |
Place: | Gressan, Aosta Valley, Italy | |
Year: | 2001 | |
Translator: | Giovanna Jayme | |
ISBN No.: | 88-87719-01-2 |
Remarks: There are four Occitan versions of the Little Prince, two of them published in France. This one represents the alpine form of the language, mainly based in a few villages of the Piedmont region in the northwestern part of Italy (area of the Turin 2006 Winter Olympics). The book was published with the financial assistance of the Community of Oulx. |
Ah! pchi prinsë, ei coumprei, poou për có, cm' i l'érë ità trichtë votë vittë. Ou l'aviâ aougú lounton, cmë distrasioun, mac ëd beicâ la coujà dou sourëlhë. A l'ei aprei icontchí, ël catriémë joû, ëd matin, can-t-ou m'avé dí: La m' plai spacan veir ël sourëlhë quë s' coujë. |
Occitan dialects are spoken in the region of Piedmont by around 50 - 80,000 people. Links:- Occitan in Italy - Languages of Italy (Ethnologue) - Occitan Language (Wikipedia) |
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