The Little Prince

Der Kleine Prinz

Le Petit Prince

Al Principén

Parma, Italy

Parmesan - Parmigiano - Parmesan


Title: Al Principén
Publisher: Edition Tintenfaß
Place: Neckarsteinach, Germany
Year: 2011
Translator: Paolo Porcari
ISBN No.: 978-3-943052-02-2

Remarks: This beautiful book can be found directly at Verlag Tintenfass in Ger­many.

Ah! Principén, a l'ò capida, poch ala volta la to piccola vitta malinconica. P'r un mucc' äd temp a n't'gh'è avù ätor par zvägh che la blèssa di tramónt. A j'ò imparè coll nov particolär chì, ala maten'na dal cuärt dì, cuand a 't m'è ditt: I m'pjäzon bombén i tramónt dal sôl.

Parmigiano (Parmesan) is a dialect of the Emilian-Romagnolo language, spoken in the Parma Province, northern Italy. See Wikipedia

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