Remarks: Thanks to João Paulo Esperança, who sent me the first edition. |
Ah! Liurai-oan ki'ik, neineik-neineik ha'u komesa komprende ó-nia moris triste oan ne'e. Durante tempu barak ó la iha buat seluk atu fó-ksolok ba ó, mak haree mesak de'it loro-monu nia furak. Ha'u hatene detalle foun ida-ne'e, iha dadeer loron dahaat, bainhira ó dehan mai ha'u: Ha'u gosta tebetebes loro-monu. |
Remarks: Second edition, additionally sponsored by a number of collectors and by the French Embassy. |
Ah! Liurai-oan ki'ik, neineik-neineik ha'u komesa komprende ó-nia moris triste oan ne'e. Durante tempu barak ó la iha buat seluk atu fó-ksolok ba ó, mak haree mesak de'it loro-monu nia furak. Ha'u hatene detalle foun ida-ne'e, iha dadeer loron dahaat, bainhira ó dehan mai ha'u: Ha'u gosta tebetebes loro-monu. |
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