The Little Prince

Der Kleine Prinz

Le Petit Prince

D’r Kläin Prìnz

Baden-Württemberg, Germany Obernai, Alsace

Lower Alsatian – Unterelsässisch – Bas-alsacien

Obernai/Oberehnheim, Alsace

Title: D’r Kläin Prìnz | De Klein Prinz
Publisher: Edition Tintenfaß
Place: Neckarsteinach, Germany
Year: 2019
Translator: Paul Adolf, based on the Strasbourg German translation by Adrien Fernique
ISBN No.: 978-3-947994-25-0

Remarks: Very beautiful bilingual hard-cover edition in Lower Alsatian (as spoken in Obernai/Oberehnheim) and Lower Alemannic (as spoken in the twin city Gengenbach). Thanks to Alfons.

Ah! Kläiner Prìnz, nùùch-ed-nùùch hàw i din kläins wìhmìetiches Lawe verstànde. 'S äinzichschte Vergnìeje, wù dü g'hett hesch, dìss ìsch 's Àngenahme vùn de Sùnne­ùntergang g'sìnn. Dìss néie Detail hàw i àm vìerte Morje erfaàhre, wù dü mìr g'säjt hesch: Ich lüej so garn Sùnneùntergang àn.

Alsatian is a branch of lower Alemannic German as spoken on both sides of the Rhine river. Find out more on Alsatian and on Lower Alemannic on Wikipedia.

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