Title: | Plin smalik. | |
Publisher: | Patrick Baert (ed.) | |
Place: | Italy | |
Year: | 2020 | |
Translator: | Ralph Midgley | |
ISBN No.: | none |
Remarks: Thanks to Patrick! Limited edition of 50 copies, my book bears no. 24. |
Ag! o plin smalik! Me mod somik pianiko esuemob, vio lif pülik ola äbinon glumaladälik. Dü lunüp älabol asä juitamedi nosi votik pläamü plitül modonikama sola. Esevedikob dö pat nulik at ün del folid gödo, ven esagol obe: Plidob vemo solamodonikamis. |
Volapük is a constructed language created between 1879 and 1880 by Johann Martin Schleyer, a Roman Catholic priest in Baden, Germany, who believed that God had told him in a dream to create an international language. Volapük conventions took place in 1884 (Friedrichshafen), 1887 (Munich) and 1889 (Paris). The first two conventions used German, and the last conference used only Volapük. Volapük was largely displaced between late 19th and early 20th century by Esperanto. See more on Wikipedia. |
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