Title: | Inkosana Encinci | |
Publisher: | Real African Publishers | |
Place: | iRhawutini (Johannesburg), South Africa | |
Year: | 2011 | |
Translator: | Kholisa Podile | |
ISBN No.: | 978-0-9869968-3-2 |
Remarks: After the Afrikaans and the Zulu translation, this is the second edition in one of the native languages of the Republic of South Africa. |
Tyhini! Nkosana encinci, kungona ndiqala ukubuqonda kancinci kancinci ubomi bakho obuzele lusizi. Kwixesha elide into obuzonwabisa ngayo kukubuka ilanga lisiya kutshona. Ezo nkcukacha zintsha ndizazi ngenye intsasa kusuku lwesine, xa wawusithi kum: Ndikuthanda kakhulu ukutshona kwelanga. |
Xhosa is one of the 11 official languages of South Africa - see Ethnologue Database. |
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