The Little Prince

Der Kleine Prinz

Le Petit Prince

U’cc priinsâž


Saami – Sámi – Lapon


Title: U'cc priinsâž
Publisher: Sää'mte'ǧǧ (Sámediggi)
Place: Ánâr / Inari, Finland
Year: 2000
Translator: Kati-Claudia Fofonoff († 2011)
ISBN No.: 952-441-033-8

Remarks: The Skolt and the Inari Saami editions were published in 2000 for a number of 500 speakers each. At this time these languages were the smallest having a translation of the Little Prince.

Vuõi, muu u´cc priinsâž! Mättjam fi´ttjed simmnai simmnai tuu u´cc lo´sses jie´ll­mad. Kuu´ǩǩ ääi´j se´st jiâ tu´st leäm leämmaž jee´rab hää´sǩesvuõđ ǥu mooččâs jeä´ǩǩesvei´ǧǧ. Tän ođđ ää´šš ku´llem tu´st neelljad peei´v tue´lää. Te´l ton sarnnuk mu´nne: Rä´ǩǩstam jeä´ǩǩesvei´jjid.

Title: U'cc priinsâž
Publisher: Sää'mte'ǧǧ (Sámediggi)
Place: Ánâr / Inari, Finland
Year: 2015
Translator: Kati-Claudia Fofonoff († 2011), revised by Merja Fofonoff
ISBN No.: 978-952-441-324-4

Remarks: Thanks to Anna from Barcelona!

Vuõi, muu u´cc priinsâž! Mättjam fi´ttjed simmnai simmnai tuu u´cc lo´sses jie´ll­mad. Kuu´ǩǩ ääi´j se´st jiâ tu´st leäm leämmaž jee´rab hää´sǩesvuõđ ǥu mooččâs jeä´ǩǩesvei´ǧǧ. Tän ođđ ää´šš ku´llem tu´st neelljad peei´v tue´lää. Te´l ton sarnnuk mu´nne: Rä´ǩstam jeä´ǩǩesvei´jid.

The Saami language is nowadays spoken by around 35,000 - 40,000 people and divided into 10 dialects. The main distinction is made between Eastern, Northern and Southern Saami dialects; Skolt Saami belongs to the "Eastern group" and is spoken by about 500 people between Inari and the Russian border - see also: Ethnologue Database and The Sámi Languages.

- Kati-Claudia Fofonoff on Wikipedia
- Life of the Skolt Saami
- The Skolt Saami, History, Culture and Tradition
- Sametinget, Saami Parliament in Sweden
- Samefolket, good Swedish site
- Sápmi Radio, Saami broadcasting
- Sámediggi, the Saami Parliament in Finland
- Saami Council

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